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#380551 - My step brother and I got Dressed and left so we could finish in privite, it is now 17 years later and I still see him in my mind while im fucking my husband wondering what would have come of us if we continued our little affair. This is my first story and if ya'all like it I will post more, I moved into my dads house when I was 11, I lived with my brother step brother and parents. One night that we were playing cards I started to feel bad and went to lay down and passed smooth the hell out when I woke up the next morning I had a headache and my panties were nowhere to be found, I thought I got so drunk I just missed placed them, this went on for about 2 to 3 weeks then I started waking up hurting I thought I may have gotten a yeast infection for all the beer I had been drinkin, but turns out thats not what it was at all.

Read Dancing いんマイドリーむ - Girls und panzer Gaystraight いんマイドリーむ

Most commented on Dancing いんマイドリーむ - Girls und panzer Gaystraight

Franceska mila rose
I think this is on every girls bucket list
Dick tittier is an amazing phrase
Sharo kirima
I need a good fat chubby woman in my life
Royal princess
Im so horny